Fun with Lexicon
Lexicon is Facebook’s data mining software that currently is being sold to the highest bidder; a sample of which is available for Facebook users here @Lexicon. The stripped down Lexicon program available to everyone can graph up to five, two-word phrases quantifying the amount of times a word or phrase was written on a Facebook “wall” over the last year.

For marketers and major corporations this technology and data base can remove a lot of the risk involved with business investment decisions by testing society in order to understand exactly what will work and what will not work avoiding costly and time consuming market research studies. Privacy advocates, on the other hand, believe that their information should not be used for purposes that they did not intend for.

For now, it’s time to “have fun, with Lexicon!” Yay (play music) confetti falls from the sky…Yay. Check out some of my Lexicon graphs

You must have a Facebook account to see these and be logged in. Not my rules...enjoy.

Ford, Toyota, Volkswagon, GM, Chevy
Bored, Happy, Sad, Lonely, Curious
Good, Bad
Sell, Trade, Buy, Rent, Steal
rss, atom, sitemap
Born, Died
Hooked up, Broke up,Brake up, married, divorce
Married, Divorce, Bitch
Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist
Abortion, Pro choice, Pro life
Fraternity, Soroity, Frat house, Off capus, Dorms
Loan, Broke, Worried, Second job, Stripper
Pepsi, Coke, Mountain Dew, Red Bull, Water

Scoble's FF conversation on privacy w/ great links about social network sites Terms of Service (TOS)

Everyone loves houseplants. They are natural air purifiers and excellent decoration that add to our indoor environment, but they are finicky and can easily die for who knows why.

Houseplants are very sensitive to a wide variety of factors including the amount of water they receive, the temperature in the house, the amount of sunlight they receive, the amount of humidity in the air, the nutrient that make up of the soil (NPK+), and the soil acidity level; changes in any of these factors can make the plant die quickly. Even getting the houses environmental settings correct to have successful houseplants is hard enough, akin to stabilizing a patient on a psychological medication regiment. Too much or too little of one thing can cause great disturbances in the life of the plant resulting in your plant running around a grocery store at 3 AM talking to itself and tweeting it's new friends. Must I bring up the theoretical occurrence of plant AI, I believe they already communicate consciously but if they join the tech revolution and start tweeting they will find that the friend takes better care of their plants and not like you anymore? Maybe they will get bored with being immobile and want to hit the road?

Whatever, I like the plant communicator/text messager as well as the neglected plants Tweeting other plants for help idea

If the plant communicator, as well as the twitter app, can be made effective and tell you what the plant needs then they should be able to sell enough of them to keep their cost reasonable.

Face it; everybody wants houseplants, but not everybody knows how or has the time to take care of them. This product could be very useful and save a lot of headache.

PETA's "vegetarians have better sex" video from the Huffington Post

The most popular video of the year could be the one that didn't play

If the networks refuse to air your commercial then you have found the perfect success, the fuel and spark for the masses to go to Youtube or Google search and watch your "forbidden video".

Peta's vegetables and sex video has been rejected by NBC for viewing among the other beer and sex, race cars and sex, and cheeseburgers and sex ads that adorn the commercial breaks of the superbowl. It took me one second to Google search the "forebidden" video on Newsweek online.

I had to watch the video to judge for myself if it violated some kind of line of "decency" in commercial advertising; an oxymoron I know. I had to watch to know what people are referring to around the water cooler, it is a social story now that your views of the rejection of the commercial identifies your own "moral" position.

Commercial advertising now pays to go over the top. There are so many outlets for your commercial to be aired other than the commercial on t.v.; kudos for PETA for finding a way to get the press they wanted without paying for the hefty superbowl commercial fees.

Thank youPETA for the excellent lesson in marketing and advertising.